Humane Clinic
Psychotherapy | Supervision | Consultancy

About Us
Humane Clinic is a Psychotherapy center offering psychotherapy to individuals as they navigate the experiences of being human. The clinic approach provides an alternative to diagnosis led approaches of main stream mental health services. Beginning in 2018, Humane Clinic was founded by Matt Ball with the intention to provide a psychotherapy based alternative for any person in distress or seeking make sense of experiences of living. Since 2018 Matt has lead a journey of developing an approach towards a human to human relational way of working including. The approach incorporates: Dissociachotic framework, Suicide Narratives, Just Listening, Compassion informed approach as well as integrating the Hearing Voices approach and the Power Threat Meaning Framework. Humane Clinic approach has incorporated many and varied philosophical, theoretical and practical concepts. The clinic provide psychotherapy to any member of the community, without the need for a referral. ​In understanding a human being as a unique and autonomous soul, acknowledgement is made of the many ways an individual might perceive and experience of living, emotional distress or other meaningful realities.​​ Humane Clinic values the human to human relationship as an opportunity for an individual to develop meaning in their life, valuing the process of working through the story of their experience.  One might understand therapy not as the doing to, but rather being with a person as they discover what is a good life. Rather than 'treating' a person with interventions, we might consider the psychotherapy relationship and process of creating an environment as we move away from specific interventions: "All the thoughts and schemes and maps and theories and ideas about psychotherapy can be useful to the practice of psychotherapy: but they are not in themselves psychotherapy"(Mary Duhig). ​Humane Clinic therapists intend to be with the other person as they discover what is meaningful - through acceptance of their experiences and exploring how they might feel empowered to create the best life for themselves. The individual can be considered best placed to be the arbiter of their own experiences, the author and teller of their own story, and be in control of their own life journey. Within the conviviality of the psychotherapy relationship people can find this potential to be more accessible. ​ ​Humane Clinic recognizes that a persons expression of distress, in whatever form this takes, is a function of communicating their needs. Humane clinic works with individuals and networks who communicate distress through suicide, emotional expression, and those who have experienced oppression in the context of adversity, trauma, violence, oppression and prejudice. Humane Clinic is a private clinic and receives no direct government funding. This means that fees apply.
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